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sâmbătă, decembrie 25


Welcome to my site!Enjoy!


marți, decembrie 21

Cercei, cercei....

Welcome to my site!/ Bine ati venit!
Cercei, cercei, cercei...

sâmbătă, decembrie 18

Bijuteriile mele-decembrie 2010

 Perle, pietre semipretioase, sirme de argint, cupru...Toate sunt create cu drag si daruire pentru a aduce bucurii si a purta noroc celei care o/le  va purta in "puntea dintre ani", si nu numai!

Bine ati venit pe acest blog, unde veti gasi o lume in miniatura, dar plina de dragoste si frumusete!!!
Bucurati-va de ce vedeti!!!

miercuri, decembrie 15

My favorites

 These are my favorites jewelry I have made in three handmade years...

Welcome to my site!Enjoy!

marți, decembrie 14

Latest jewelry that are : a pair of carnelian earrings, a necklace, Beauty and "Honey" pendant... Prepared with love for Christmas time!

Welcome to my site!Enjoy!

A site where can see my jewelry for sale/ Un site unde veti gasi bijuterii de vinzare

Welcome to my site!Enjoy!


vineri, decembrie 10

Amethyst necklace / Lant cu pietre de ametist

Welcome to my site!Enjoy!

Un lant format din perle mici albe si un medalion, format din doua pietre de ametist, pietre semipretioase.
Cine va purta acest lant, cu siguranta va avea noroc. Este piatra celor nascuti in luna martie...

joi, decembrie 9

Noutati: lanturi, cercei si o bratara

Welcome to my site!Enjoy!
Cercei lungi, cu lantz si scoici...

Medalion din 2 pietre de ametist. Pietre semipretioase...
 Cercei din cherry quartz si sirma de cupru. Deasupra bilutzelor e un nod de sirma, destul de complicat de realizat...

Bratara din perle mici si incuietori din argint...

Cercei din perle purpurii si argint.

vineri, decembrie 3

Recently earrings...

Welcome to my site!Enjoy!
Some new earrings that are suitable to many

tastes of the people and for any party...

miercuri, decembrie 1


Welcome to my site!Enjoy!

 Earrings just made, for everyday wearing, made of  green stone (aventurin), cream pearls and silver copper wire. 4,5 cm long

luni, noiembrie 29

Yellow pendant

Welcome to my site!Enjoy!

It happened to find a small citrine stone. It wasn't drilled, so, it was really difficult for me to fix it, but I remembered that wrapping is a useful method, so, here it is my small pendant. it is so cute!Sterling Silver 6mm Square-Cut Citrine Pendant

vineri, noiembrie 26

Blue pendant / Medalion albastru

Welcome to my site!Enjoy! A new pendant. I don't know what kind of stone it is, but I really like the dark opac blue. It is a big pendant, 4x3.6 cm, wrapped into golden plated wire. I enjoy the pendant and I would like wearing it  almost all the time...

vineri, noiembrie 19

Beauty pendant

 A month ago, I had just found this stone. Looking in a jewelry catalog, I discovered that it is an ocean jasper.Nice and more round than plat one. So, thinking a lot about it, and how could I make the stone prettier, I decided to wrap it into copper wire...And it is done!

 Side of the pendant...

 ...down side and frontal one...
 Back of it...

Welcome to my site!Enjoy!