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vineri, ianuarie 29

Purple and white

A bracelet
that is made of
purple and white pearls,
cherry quartz beads,
memory wire
gold plated wire
and copper

luni, ianuarie 25


A funny stone, a purple one,
has been given to me,
by my husband...
It is nice and really
easy to create
a pendant. Now,
It is a necklace.

vineri, ianuarie 22

Yellow stone

A pendant that have
given me some
troubles, but finally,

I did it...

miercuri, ianuarie 20


A nice crystal pendant
I've created recently...
What is your

marți, ianuarie 19

Gene's bottle

Funny pendant, made from a medium
quartz crystal wrapped in
copper wire. it looks,
like my son suggested me,
just like a

Snow flakes stone

Difficult, difficult shape stone,     
bought between
the cheap stones.
But, I think it is OK!

Tiger eye

Glittering and difficult stone shape have given me troubles creating it. But, I did it!


A dark, but no so, it is my pendant, that appeared between my stuff, in my little world...Charming...

duminică, ianuarie 17

Oh, man...

A funny
but not
so easy

to do...

Long pink pendant

An unusual pendant
but a pretty one...

Here it is...

Gree and red

A necklace, just a bit different than the other ones.
Why? Because it has a chain
hanging along the pendant
giving it a special



Recently, I wanted to make                                         
something fun and easy to create...
So, having a few purple pearls and
other metal beads, here it is my
new creation...Enjoy!

Three of the kind

Not a single pendant, but three of them

tied in a future necklace...

joi, ianuarie 14


Glittering ring...                                        


Trying to change the experience and
why not, the way of acting
have made me to create
these cuff-links...

miercuri, ianuarie 13

Sour cherries

A pair of earrings that            
bring fun and nice
feature to the everyday

marți, ianuarie 12


A funny stone, with stripe one,
had taken my attention, and I have already
have a new pendant...


sâmbătă, ianuarie 9


While I was ready preparing for Christmas Holidays, I had had a new revelation about a bracelet. I was thinking, and thinking for a couple of days, and, finally, here it is:Galaxy. Why Galaxy, because there are several stones with different shape and colors...


joi, ianuarie 7


A pendant that suggested me
the face from the robot in
the Star War movie...

marți, ianuarie 5


A funny stone, I have got
while shopping...

duminică, ianuarie 3

Red cuflinks

 As an alternative jewelry
I tried to make new pieces and
this is the way I created
a pair of red

sâmbătă, ianuarie 2

Shiny earrings

Earrings that make any
woman just like a pretty

one, giving her a special feeling...
Enjoy looking at them...