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joi, decembrie 31

Green eyed-pendant

A Happy New Year!!!
It is said that some small bead stones 
have had magical powers.
I think that this pendant is one of the kind...


duminică, decembrie 27


A funny pendant that looks like a sea-horse
 is created. It is small and made of
Argentinium wire and
purple potatoe

joi, decembrie 24

Merry Christmas!

Wish you all, Merry Christmas, and all the happiniess

come in your home and soul!!!
Enjoy the Winter Holidays!

marți, decembrie 22

Little foot

As I started to make something new,
a small stone captured my attention... After a focus on it, and I have
anlized it from all the angles,
a little foot appeared in my hands...
And, you have already guessed:

it needed a shoe...

duminică, decembrie 20

Bone rose-pendant

A bone rose Was given me from my grand-mother, since I was
a little girl.She had told me to keep the rose in a safe place
because it had been a precious family jewel.
So, now, when I create jewels,

I found out the rose and I gave
it a new life...

joi, decembrie 17

Golden fun

A bracelet that it is the
second of this kind,
it is created and ready to be shared...

Hope you like it!

joi, decembrie 10


New technic and

new items...

joi, decembrie 3




miercuri, decembrie 2


Fun with wire and why not.

something that it is nice...

Romanian National Day-the 1-st of December!

12/1/2009                       ZIUA  NATIONALA A ROMANIEI

                   1 Decembrie este declarata, de citiva ani buni, incoace, Ziua Nationala a Romaniei! Zi frumoasa, nu conteaza pe ce colt din lume. Chiar daca acum, in 2009, si, la 20 de ani de la Revolta din tara, situatia politica, financiara, sociala e in situatie critica. Sunem, poate unici, prin faptul ca, la aniversare de Ziua Nationala, nu avem conducator de tara si guvern.... Oamenii de rind sunt disperati, ca intotdeauna, de altfel, totusi, se intrevede o SCHIMBARE in bine. Doar se "intrevede".Ca si luminita de la capatul tunelului...Pentru ca oamenii sunt constienti ca nu se mai poate continua asa ca pina acum, si, asteapta ceva...Ce este acel ceva? Inca nu s-a definiit...Dar e evident ca nu liseste decit acea "scanteie", care sa declanseze marea schimbare...Insa e ciudat ca oamenii sunt blazati si nu isi dau seama ca in ei, in multime, este adevarata putere care poate sa schimbe, din temelii, sistemul actual...
                   Intotdeauna romanul a rabdat, tacut si resemnat. Unii, au luat drumul pribegiei, unde au fost umiliti si injositi, uneori, chiar de compatriotii lor, care, pe motiv ca ii ajuta, nu au facut altceva decit sa profite de o mina de lucru foarte ieftina si fara drepturi, chiar daca emigrarea a fost legala...
                              Apoi, e problema invatarii limbii, care nu e usoara, caci e nevoie de un an sau doi de acomodare...
                              Inca un impediment, gasirea unui loc de munca decent, care sa aduca un venit real, pentru familiile de emigranti.Lipsa de locuri de munca, somajul ridicat, si de ce nu, predilectia pentru nativi si marginalizarea celor veniti din alte tari, e inca o mare problema globala...
                  Si totusi, e o speranta. Romanii trebuie sa se gindeasca serios la acest lucru...Trebuie sa se schimbe totul, din temelii, si sa se construiasca noua Romanie! Romania noastra, a romanilor din strainatate si din tara.Caci cei plecati s-au specializat, in adevaratul sens al cuvintului, cu recunoastere in diferite domenii, si, daca revin in tara si nu fac altceva decit sa continue ceea ce au acumulat, lucrind in strainatate, nu conteaxza ca  in SUA, MAREA BRITANIE, FRANTA, ITALIA, SPANIA sau alte meleaguri ...Sa ne recistigam dreptul la o viata buna, in care fiecare persoana sa beneficieze de un trai decent, cu conditii bune de trai si sa poata sa-si creasca copiii in credinta stramosesca, cinste si corectitudine, respectind pe cei mai in virsta, care sunt mai intelepti si au o experienta de viata, gata sa o impartaseasca cu comunitatea, copiii sa "zburde" linistiti si in siguranta... Si cite nu se mai pot spune...
                 De aceea, trimit un mesaj romanilor: Iubiti-va tara, stramosii si traditiile!!! Dati-le noi conotatii! Iubiti-va intre voi!  Puterea e in noi, toti. Trebuie sa avem un ideal comun, de bine pentru noi si pentru tara!
                 TRAIASCA ROMANIA!!!

marți, decembrie 1

Fun wire-posible profile photo

While creating nice, pretty things
sometimes it seemes to me that
other funny things



I always wanted to create a tree,
as a jewelry maker,
but it seemed too difficult to me.

Now, it is tree time...

duminică, noiembrie 29


Trying new way

to express myself...

vineri, noiembrie 27


A fine and interesting tecnics
added to this necklace.


miercuri, noiembrie 25

Red and white-bracelet

Two days before I have the inspiration to create something
and so...Here it is a nice bracelet...

Hope you like it...

marți, noiembrie 24

Ocean jasper

One of the newest pendant

I have made.

luni, noiembrie 23

Roses necklace

One of my favourite is this one.

It is full of romance...

duminică, noiembrie 22

Fun wire square-necklace

Playing with wire it is a
result that it is interesting.


sâmbătă, noiembrie 21

Aura's necklace

A friend of mine ased me to create
a necklace for her daughter
and here it is a nice

simple one...

vineri, noiembrie 20


The stone inspired me to make
a special jewel. If I succed

or not...

joi, noiembrie 19

Red moon

The necklace is made of Copper

and opal stone, wrapped in a cage...

marți, noiembrie 17


One afternoon, my son and I, have gone to Downtown
where, in a jewelry shop, I have seen a beautiful
necklace.So, after I focused on it,

next day I made one...


A pendant that was interesting to create

and fun, in the same time...

luni, noiembrie 16


Here it is a new,


A ready necklace

duminică, noiembrie 15

Good morning

A greeting necklace...

sâmbătă, noiembrie 14


Trying new technics is fun!
Cords are soft, flexible and
easy to create tiny

little things...

Recupefashion: XMAS is right around the corner

Recupefashion: XMAS is right around the corner

vineri, noiembrie 13

Colored stones-bracelet

 A long time ago , I have seen a bracelet in Jewelry magazine,that it was wonderful
for me, so, I decided to make one, by myself. I was not ready to create it, until now. Why? Because the technic was too difficult for me.But now, when I've got enough experience in jewelry making, it was almost easy to put
my knowledges and abilities to work for me...
So, here it is!

joi, noiembrie 12

Light green-necklace

Always Turqoise is beutiful for jewelry creations
and this is one of my favorite  necklace.
Now, it belongs to my best friend.
She likes it. What about you?

miercuri, noiembrie 11


A really new and difficult bracelet to create is
Rocks bracelet, because it needed to focus
 in small details. But, it is ready, and this is
important, I think...

marți, noiembrie 10

Iulia's bracelet

And the bracelet, made of Silver big chain,
white pearls and Swarosky cristals...


A niece wedding inspired me
to create some nice jewelry
for her.Here it is the ring...


In summer time, I was so excited to return to my home place
so, I started to show up new and fine tiny things..
Triangle is one of rings I created.

duminică, noiembrie 8

Christmas Spirit

Christmas is comming with its charm and beauties.

So, why not, trying to prepare for it...

vineri, noiembrie 6


Space harmony...
A wired and interesting world...

joi, noiembrie 5

Shiny pendant

The beauties of the world come to enchant us
with so many things...

It's up to us to choose...

miercuri, noiembrie 4


My world is new and nice.

Hope it is the right thing you want to enjoy!